The Hyperemesis Files
A podcast all about the severe pregnancy condition Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Each week women who are currently suffering with, or who have survived Hyperemesis will tell their stories to HG Campaigner, Presenter and CEO of Pregnancy Sickness Support Charity, Charlotte Howden. Some weeks we will also feature experts from the HG research community and charity sector.
Podcasting since 2020 • 27 episodes
The Hyperemesis Files
Latest Episodes
The final ever episode of the Hyperemesis Files Podcast
This is the last episode of Series 3 and the last ever episode of the Hyperemesis Files Podcast (although I never say never). On today's show I am joined by Rowan. Rowan is 25 and lives in Lancashire with her husband Alex and her 18 month old d...
Season 3
Episode 8
Series 3 - Episode 7
On this week's show I am joined by Jess who lives in Canberra in Australia. Jess has suffered from two Hyperemesis pregnancies with her sons. She left 5 years between the two as it took her that long to mentally prepare for another pregnancy....
Season 3
Episode 7
Series 3 - Episode 6
On this week's podcast I am joined by Danika. Danika is a mother of one from Somerset in the UK. Danika's story is really telling of just how bad the treatment of HG women in certain areas/hospitals/post codes in the UK can be!Her treat...
Season 3
Episode 6