The Hyperemesis Files
A podcast all about the severe pregnancy condition Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Each week women who are currently suffering with, or who have survived Hyperemesis will tell their stories to HG Campaigner, Presenter and CEO of Pregnancy Sickness Support Charity, Charlotte Howden. Some weeks we will also feature experts from the HG research community and charity sector.
The Hyperemesis Files
The final ever episode of the Hyperemesis Files Podcast
This is the last episode of Series 3 and the last ever episode of the Hyperemesis Files Podcast (although I never say never). On today's show I am joined by Rowan. Rowan is 25 and lives in Lancashire with her husband Alex and her 18 month old daughter Olia Daisy.
Rowan is an exceptional guest speaker and details her journey with such elegance and openness.
Together we discuss her initial thoughts about her sickness, from "I am just too weak to do this," to "This is just normal though?" all the way through to finally being administered steroids the final medication on the HG ladder to stop her unbearable suffering.
What is really very important about our conversation is the aftermath of HG as Rowan is still now experiencing un-diagnosed symptoms such as sickness, nausea and not being able to eat. Her story is here to inform not to scare as she acknowledges that she is "one in a million". But her journey has not ended after birth and she is now under the care of 5 professionals who are all trying to understand why these symptoms never went away.
On a personal and emotional note I want to thank everyone for listening over the last 3 series and for supporting the podcast.
The time has come for me to move on to other ways of raising awareness that enable to me to do more in less time and whilst I have enjoyed every second of bringing these episodes to you, they do take up a large amount of my time.
Thanks for listening. Charlotte x