The Hyperemesis Files
A podcast all about the severe pregnancy condition Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Each week women who are currently suffering with, or who have survived Hyperemesis will tell their stories to HG Campaigner, Presenter and CEO of Pregnancy Sickness Support Charity, Charlotte Howden. Some weeks we will also feature experts from the HG research community and charity sector.
The Hyperemesis Files
Series 2 - Episode 5
This week on the Hyperemesis Files podcast you are in for a treat. This weeks guest is Kay, a mum of 2 boys who made a change in her career from an Oncology Nurse to a Sister on an Early Pregnancy Unit after suffering with Hyperemesis in both her pregnancies. She now manages a day unit for Hyperemesis sufferers within that unit and is constantly looking at new ways to grow the unit and help more women.
Kay talks us through both her pregnancies and we discuss everything from what it is like to have HG when you are a health professional, the struggles she had to get access to medication, being prescribed medication for depression when pregnant, the amazing support she had from her husband and so much more.
She also gives some invaluable advice on what to do when you have been prescribed medication and how to access EPU's and Day Clinics across the country.